
Filling your needs

Tienda Online desarrollada por FreakofficeDesarrollo Tienda Online - Romeku_e-commerce Tienda Online TaiichiDesarrollo Sitio Web - Distribuidora ZeusE-commerce - Tienda OnlineE-commerce Mayorista - Papelera RivadaviaDesarrollo Tienda Online - All Packaginge-commercee-commercesitios webWooCommerce e-mailslanding-page-mali-vitale
Tienda Online
Tienda Online desarrollada por Freakoffice
Desarrollo Tienda Online - Romeku_
e-commerce Tienda Online Taiichi
Desarrollo Sitio Web - Distribuidora Zeus
E-commerce - Tienda Online
E-commerce Mayorista - Papelera Rivadavia
Desarrollo Tienda Online - All Packaging
sitios web
WooCommerce e-mails

E-Commerce Development


  • Landing page design
  • Responsive website, adapted design to different devices
  • Tienda online con carrito de compras
  • Online payments Integration
  • Account details for bank transfers (automatic email)
  • Quantity or amount discounts
  • Discount Coupons
  • Logo with a link at the bottom of the website
  • Links to share products on social media
  • WhatsApp floating button (optional)
  • Contact form
  • Design and configuration of the automatic e-mail sent to clients when they leave a message through the contact form
  • E-commerce e-mails: Design, configuration and copywriting.
  • Direct access to social media
  • Google map showing the company location (optional)
  • Data entry: content supplied by the client
  • NO Incluye carga de productos y especificaciones
  • Up to 20 images
  • Analytics
  • Submiting the website to search engines
  • Email account
  • Firewall
  • Backup Diario
  • Website optimization through performance tests
  • Start-up tech support: 1 month
  • Certificado SSL
  • Logo, contents and images / photos will be provided by the client.

SKU: ECOMMERCE Categories: ,


¿Que necesitamos para poder desarrollar tu tienda?

  • Logo, information to create content, images and photos in high resolution will be provided by the website owner.
  • Las imágenes de los productos deben ser de al menos 800 x600 pixeles.
  • Remember when choosing pics, we will need to create a cover that measures 1920 x1080 pixels.
  • Tener un Dominio: .com / / .ar
  • Listado de Productos


¿Cuando estará lista mi tienda online?

  • Tiempo de entrega:  20 días desde recibido todo el material (logo, contenido, fotos).


¿Tengo que hacer algún otro pago?

  • Mensualmente el alojamiento tiene un costo de aproximado de $27.500 pesos (USD 20 TC dólar tarjeta)
  • Dominio un pago anual de: .COM 20USD a abonar en pesos / .AR $27.500.- / .COM.AR $8.500.-
  • Includes server maintenance
  • Does not include technical support or Landing Page actualizations


¿Qué puedo incluir para potenciar aun más mi tienda?

  • Integración con Correos Postales
  • Generación automática de etiquetas de OCA
  • Integración sitio web con tienda de Facebook e Instagram
  • Recupero de pedidos abandonados
  • Upsell
  • Bundle
  • Gift Card
  • Back in stock notifier
  • Wishlist
  • Chat online
  • E-learning platform
  • Monthly subscription for loading new products if they frequently change
  • SEO Search Engine Optimization


We offer you to develop an attractive and easy to navigate website. In a short time, you will have a functional online store where you could show all your products or services and offer discounts and promotions.

Nowadays, people not only evaluate and decide their purchases through the Internet, but mostly users also buy online. You must be present at the time of the purchase decision and allowing your customers to buy online, without doubt, will make them see you with better eyes and prefer you, especially if you give them varied payment options, security, shipping and high logistics quality.

Having an e-commerce will make you gain ground before many brands that are not adapting to the online world. Not only you will have an operational space 24 hours a day, but you will also be able to expand your venture nationally and internationally, and in some cases, it will even possible to dispense of a physical location.

Afterwards, you will be able to make paid advertising or expand the reach through social networks. With a small investment and a good strategy, you can reach thousands of people to get to know your product and buy it in a short time thanks to the "word of mouth" generated on these platforms.

Our work in detail will make a big difference.

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